

RGJ works with entrepreneurs, small businesses, and local governments to stimulate economic development. Our company provides executive level management, administrative services, and builds public-private partnerships to create jobs and healthy living communities in mostly rural areas and small towns and cities.

Network Partners   

Our company operates with a team of professional managers, Network Partners, as its executive team, to provide general, financial, marketing, and operations management across a variety of disciplines and industries.  Subject matter experts are added to the core team as needed.

Current Areas of Interest 

RGJ is currently interested in specific challenges in rural communities in North Carolina and South Carolina.

Our Values



RGJ enjoys working with entrepreneurs to solve problems in rural communities.  We like straight forward conversation, honest people, and fair deals with our partners and our clients.  We embrace people, ideas, services, and products that given time, human and financial resources and a business development strategy will produce viable commercial enterprises that create jobs, protect the environment, foster interdependence, and broaden the concept of community.


 “We’re making a living and getting a good night’s rest.”

How We Work

RGJ operates with a team of experienced professionals called Network Partners that have more than 40 years of experience working together on a variety of projects.  We roll up our sleeves and work with entrepreneurs, local governments, existing businesses, and investment groups to solve problems and support economic development in rural communities. 


Most of our Network Partners are entrepreneurs and small business owners that excelled as senior executives for major corporations, not-for-profit organizations, and federal, state, and local governments.  We clawed and scratched our way to the top, had a good look around, and now we're back down to earth.  City life's been good to us, but it's time to get back to our roots in rural America. 


Together, RGJ and its Network Partners, form partnerships with private and public sector businesses, and individuals to craft a shared vision and business development strategy for each project, new business, or entrepreneur for whom it chooses to represent.  Careful planning, good management, and committed public and private partners sharing resources are keys to completing successful projects. 




Board of Managers





Patricia Jacobs President

Carolyn Cole Secretary

Lana Allen Treasurer 










Network Partners